First I responded to a Craigslist ad for a brown pearloid loaded Stratocaster pickguard with all electronics and Vintage Noiseless pickups still attached. It was advertised for $75. I called the number in the craigslist ad and it turned out to be someone I knew-Terry Parker of the great local band Southlander! Check them out sometime-they are a truly great group! After some friendly catching up, Terry made me a great deal and sold me the pickguard with electronics for $50. My intention was to use the pickups in another guitar I had laying around.
Fender Player's Strat. I purchased this exact pickguard and electronics from Terry Parker for $50! |
After getting the pickguard home, I decided it would be a real shame to tear it apart. I decided it would make more sense to find a cheap Strat and assemble a "Partscaster."
Squier headstock w/ 'Spaghetti' logo. |
Squier as purchased |
Upon getting the guitar home I did some research, it turned out my Craigslist find was a Korean Squier Strat with a KV serial number made by Saehan. From 1996-1998 Saehan turned out Squiers that were known for better-than-average bodies and gorgeous maple necks with the meaty 'vintage' radius that I prefer.
At this point I realized I had what I needed to make a great sounding guitar...for an initial $150 investment!! Stay tuned as I put them together!
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